ITEM CODE ;106500-AS
LAST UPDATED;03-09-2020
SKYRC D400 is a twin-channel charger with two independent circuits which can charge two different kinds of batteries simultaneously. It also supports power distribution in AC/DC mode to get max charging power to shorten charging time.
Moreover, it is not only just a charger, but also can supply 150 Watts DC Power on channel 2, users can use it to power DC devices.
Model: SK-100123
ltimate Duo 400W AC/DC
Balance Charger / Discharger / Power Supply
SKYRC D400 is a twin-channel charger with two independent circuits which can charge two different
kinds of batteries simultaneously. It also supports power distribution in AC/DC mode to get max charging power to shorten charging time.
Moreover, it is not only just a charger, but also can supply 150 Watts DC Power on channel 2, users can use it to power DC devices.
What’s more, the synchronization mode is available, in which users could perform synchronous settings for charging same batteries simultaneously to offer time-saving benefits
400W Duo Output
Power Distribution
Synchronization Mode
150W DC Power
Power Distribution
It supports power distribution, for example, Channel 1-300w, then channel 2-100W, the total power is 400W. Please note the Max power of channel 2 is 200w, but that of channel 1 is 400W.
Synchronization Mode
Employ this function, user can set both channel by channel 1, that saves much time.
DC Power Supply
SkyRC D400 can supply 150 watts DC Power on channel 2. User can use it to power equipments that require DC Power. It converts standard 100-240V AC mains to 6-15V DC output.
Misc Brand
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